CANADA 150 -
STUDENT DECLARATION PROJECTThis program is suitable for grades 5-8, with suggested adaptations for younger grades.
Birthdays are milestones; a time to take inventory of where we are, how far we’ve come, and to set goals for our future. The nation’s birthday is no exception.
2017 is a significant year in our country’s history. July 1st will be the 150th anniversary of Confederation, the day Canada became its own country. Sure, the land and our history existed well before that time but this is still a time to celebrate our amazing country! This resource will take you through learning experiences to help your students better understand Canada’s history, their own places in it, and envision its future. We invite you to take a critical stance to all of this learning and see this as an opportunity to go beyond the textbooks. We encourage you to share the amazing ideas, thinking, processes, and products using the hashtag #TorontoStar150. We hope this will be a unifying experience for Canadian students. SEE ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY CONTENT
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