This program is suitable for students in grades 6-12. History, English and Media Studies classes.
Imagine. One day that changed every day since. There aren’t many such days in human history, but June 6, 1944 was one of them. That day, the beginning of the end of the worst and costliest conflicts of all time began. It was called Operation Overlord. D-Day. And Canada played a pivotal role.
In honour of all those who sacrificed everything for their children, their grandchildren and great grandchildren, Our sister publication, The Hamilton Spectator, will be publishing a weekly series starting Thursday, April 11 focusing on the who, what, where, when and why of D-Day. The series will be followed by a comprehensive special section on May 31 commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Download this free resource today and use it in conjunction with the special D-Day series starting April 11 to May 30. You will also receive free access to the Hamilton Spectator ePaper edition until June 1, 2019 so you can follow along with the D-Day series. FIND OUT MORE BELOW. |
Click on the image to download the free teacher resource |
The free ePaper access is now sold out!
Use the ePaper edition to follow along with our D-Day Series every Thursday starting April 11 to May 31.
With the Hamilton Spectator ePaper edition, you can:
- TRANSLATE stories into 17 different languages - LISTEN to stories - KEYWORD search - SHARE stories via email and social media |